The Speculum Virginum belongs to manuscripts called “Tugendspiegel” or Mirrors of Virtue, which were widely distributed during the Middle Ages. They are written as a dialogue between two people, an “Archpriest” and a nun named Theodora, and show the reader how to live a life dedicated to God. This guide on leading a pious and godly life was an expression of the monastic reform movement, the „Devotio Moderna,“ which took place in the late Middle Ages. How to live a virtuous life is presented in a series of watercolor illustrations. The page shown here tells the parable of the clever and the foolish virgins.
Educational, amusing book with numerous, very detailed illustrations of insects.
(here part 1, Genesis to the Psalms)
This missal contains a collection of liturgical hymns in the Gregorian chant style, which were to be sung during mass and cover the entire liturgical year. The manuscript is from an abbey in the Münsterland region and its creation date is inferred on the basis of several hymns that belong to the feast of St. Ludger.